平成30年度 第2回選書会購入リスト(和洋・請求番号順)
和 413.5:K11
野村 隆昭
和 414.3:R1
Wade David 1941-
和 549.5:S6
田中 信夫
洋 407:E3e
English for academic correspondence
Wallwork Adrian
洋 407:E5
A guide for teachers
Wallwork Adrian
洋 407:E6
Grammar exercises
Wallwork Adrian
洋 407:E7
Vocabulary exercises
Wallwork Adrian
洋 407:E8
Writing exercises
Wallwork Adrian
洋 412.3:E1
Elementary linear algebra
Kirkwood James
洋 412.9:I1
Introduction to number theory
Hill Richard Michael
洋 419:T4
Theory and simulation of random phenomena : mathematical foundations and physical applications
Vitali Ettore 1981-
洋 420:P2:2
Electrodynamics and optics
L?ders Klaus. 1936-
洋 421.3:F45
Frontier problems in quantum mechanics
Zhang Li 1925-
洋 421.3:I36
Introductory quantum physics and relativity
Dunningham Jacob
洋 421.4:A17
Advanced computational nanomechanics
Silvestre Nuno
洋 421.4:C21e
Computational methods in physics : compendium for students
?irca Simon
洋 421.9:O2:5
Order, disorder and criticality : advanced problems of phase transition theory
Holovatch Yurij
洋 421.9:S103
Statistical physics of nanoparticles in the gas phase
Hansen Klavs
洋 423.8:F11
Fluid mechanics
Falkovich G.
洋 423.8:F12
Fluid mechanics : a geometrical point of view
Rajeev S. G.
洋 423.8:M6
A modern course in transport phenomena
Venerus David
洋 425.3:P1e:2
Applied geometrical optics
Hawkes P. W.
洋 425.5:I22
Impedance spectroscopy : theory, experiment, and applications
Barsoukov Evgenij
洋 425.5:N6
Nonlinear dielectric spectroscopy
Richert R.
洋 425.5:S24
Spectroscopy of semiconductors : numerical analysis bridging quantum mechanics and experiments
Lu Wei
洋 428:I10
Introductory matter physics
Simoni Francesco
洋 428:S9e
Springer handbook of materials data
Martienssen W.
洋 428.4:P62e
Physics of quantum rings
Fomin Vladimir M.
洋 428.4:U11
Uniaxial stress technique and investigations of correlated electron systems
Barber Mark Edward
洋 428.44:F11
Ferroelectrics : principles and applications
Bain Ashim Kumar
洋 428.7:C23
Chirality at solid surfaces
Jenkins Stephen J.
洋 428.7:E21
Ellipsometry of functional organic surfaces and films
Hinrichs Karsten
洋 428.7:F11
Friction at the atomic level : atomistic approaches in tribology
Hirano Motohisa
洋 428.8:E13
EPR spectroscopy : fundamentals and methods
Goldfarb Daniella
洋 428.8:M9
Micro and nano scale NMR : technologies and systems
Anders Jens
洋 428.9:F10
Functional nanostructures and metamaterials for superconducting spintronics : from superconducting qubits to self-organized nanostructures
Sidorenko Anatolie
洋 431:F3
Foundations for nanoscience and nanotechnology
Petersen Nils O.
洋 431:I4
Introduction to computational chemistry
Jensen Frank
洋 435:I6e
Inorganic chemistry
Weller Mark T.
洋 435.1:T3
2D materials : properties and devices
Avouris Phaedon 1945-
洋 435.2:E4
Experimental and theoretical approaches to actinide chemistry
Gibson John K.
洋 437:E2
Experimental organic chemistry
Cranwell Philippa B.
洋 437:O4e
Organic chemistry : structure and function
Vollhardt K. Peter C.
洋 459:P1
Perovskites : structure-property relationships
Tilley R. J. D.
洋 461:B4
Biomechanics : concepts and computation
Oomens Cees
洋 462:B4
Biophysical chemistry
Klostermeier Dagmar
洋 462:B5
Biological inorganic chemistry : a new introduction to molecular structure and function
Crichton Robert R.
洋 501.4:C9
Carbon nanomaterials : synthesis, structure, properties and applications
Mathur Rakesh Behari 1952-
洋 501.4:H7:1
Structure and chemistry
Thakur Vijay Kumar 1981-
洋 501.4:H7:2
Design and manufacturing
Thakur Vijay Kumar 1981-
洋 501.4:H7:3
Physico-chemical and mechanical characterization
Thakur Vijay Kumar 1981-
洋 549:G1
Green materials for electronics
Irimia-Vladu Mihai
洋 549:N13:1
Nanoelectronics : materials, devices, applications
Puers Robert
洋 549:N13:2
Nanoelectronics : materials, devices, applications
Puers Robert
洋 549.5:C4
Conductive atomic force microscopy : applications in nanomaterials
Lanza Mario
洋 549.5:P3
Progress in nanoscale characterization and manipulation
Wang Rongming
洋 572:L3
Lithium-ion batteries : basics and applications
Korthauer Reiner