August 9
Aug. 9 - 10p
16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30

The fate of vacancy-induced supersolidity in 4He
Matthias Troyer
The supersolid state of matter, exhibiting non-dissipative flow in solids, has been elusive for thirty five years. The recent discovery of a non-classical moment of inertia in solid 4He by Kim and Chan provided the first experimental evidence, although the interpretation in terms of supersolidity of the ideal crystal phase remains subject to debate. Using quantum Monte Carlo methods we investigate the long-standing question of vacancy-induced superflow and find that vacancies in a 4He crystal phase separate instead of forming a supersolid. On the other hand, non-equilibrium vacancies relaxing on defects of poly-crystalline samples could provide an explanation for the experimental observations.
Reference: cond-mat/0605627