August 10
Aug. 10 - 11p
16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30

Quantum Critical "Opalesence"
Masatoshi Imada
Divergent carrier-density fluctuations equivalent to the critical opalescence of gas-liquid transition emerge around a metal-insulator critical point at a finite temperature. In contrast to the gas-liquid transitions, however, the critical temperatures can be lowered to zero, which offers a challenging quantum phase transition. We present a microscopic description of such quantum critical phenomena in two dimensions. The conventional scheme of phase transitions by Ginzburg, Landau and Wilson is violated and an unconventional universality appears. It offers a clear insight into the criticalities of metal-insulator transitions associated with Mott or charge-order transitions. Fermi degeneracy involving the diverging density fluctuations generates emergent phenomena near the endpoint of the first-order transition and must shed new light on remarkable phenomena found in correlated metals like unconventional cuprate superconductors.