Home >  研究会等 > [cancelled] ISSP/IPMU Joint Seminar:Kink dynamics in supersymmetric lattice models

[cancelled] ISSP/IPMU Joint Seminar:Kink dynamics in supersymmetric lattice models

日程 : 2020年3月6日(金) 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm
* *This seminar has been cancelled.
場所 : Seminar Room A, IPMU 講師 : Kareljan Schoutens 所属 : University of Amsterdam 世話人 : 押川正毅 (63275)
e-mail: oshikawa@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp

*This seminar has been cancelled.
Lattice models for fermionic degrees of freedom can be tuned to display N=2 supersymmetry. In a continuum limit such models connect to N=2 superconformal field theory (in the critical case) or to massive QFT with supersymmetry. The simplest model (called the M_1 model) in 1D has two supersymmetric vacua and it is natural to consider kinks connecting those. We derive analytic expressions for the kink dispersion relations, interpolating between a trivial limit and a supersymmetric critical point, in passing making a connection of the N=2 supersymmetric point of sine-Gordon theory. The dispersion relations lead to precise predictions for quantum dynamics in an open chain with boundary conditions favoring kink formation. We propose an experimental realization of these supersymmetry-protected dynamics, based on quantum chains of Rydberg-dressed fermionic atoms in the blockade regime.

備考 : This seminar has been cancelled.
(公開日: 2020年02月12日)