平成29年度 第3回選書会購入リスト

平成29年度 第3回選書会購入リスト(和洋・請求番号順)
洋 407:C2
Communicating science : a practical guide for engineers and physical scientists
Boxman Raymond
洋 410:M5
Mathematics rebooted : a fresh approach to understanding
Alcock Lara
洋 414:E1
Exploring geometry
Hvidsten Michael
洋 420:B1
The beauty of physics : patterns, principles, and perspectives
Rau A. Ravi P.
洋 420.8:S1:275
Evolution of silicon sensor technology in particle physics
Hartmann Frank
洋 421.3:C32
Classical and quantum dynamics : from classical paths to path integrals
Dittrich Walter 1935-
洋 421.3:I35
An introduction to quantum physics : a first course for physicists, chemists, materials scientists, and engineers
Trachanas Stephanos
洋 421.3:M7e1d
Modern quantum mechanics
桜井 純
洋 421.3:Q175
Quantum field theory and condensed matter : an introduction
Shankar R.
洋 421.3:Q176
Quantum field theory approach to condensed matter physics
Marino Eduardo C.
洋 421.3:Q177
Quantum spin glasses, annealing and computation
田中 宗
洋 421.3:S44
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics : an introduction
Gangopadhyaya Asim
洋 421.4:C26
Computational physics : simulation of classical and quantum systems
Scherer P. O. J.
洋 421.4:G26
A guide to mathematical methods for physicists : with problems and solutions
Petrini Michela
洋 421.4:I13e
Introduction to micromechanics and nanomechanics
Li Shaofan
洋 421.9:S100
Statistical thermodynamics
Maczek Andrew
洋 423.8:F9
A first course in computational fluid dynamics
Aref Hassan 1950-
洋 425.5:R8
Recent developments in plasmon-supported Raman spectroscopy : 45 years of enhanced Raman signals
Kneipp Katrin
洋 425.8:I20
Interaction of mid-infrared parametric waves in laser plasmas
Ganeev Rashid A.
洋 425.9:L5
Light-matter interaction : physics and engineering at the nanoscale
Weiner John 1943-
洋 428:S24
Skyrmions in condensed matter
Han Jung Hoon
洋 428.21:M3
Molecular plasmonics
Fritzsche Wolfgang
洋 428.3:G5e
Geometric methods in elastic theory of membranes in liquid crystal phases
Tu Zhanchun
洋 428.4:H38
Hybrid phonons in nanostructures
Ridley B. K.
洋 428.4:I66
Interatomic bonding in solids : fundamentals, simulation, and applications
Levitin Valim
洋 428.41:B24e
Basic semiconductor physics
浜口 智尋
洋 428.41:C26
Compact semiconductor lasers
De La Rue Richard M.
洋 428.41:Q15
Quantum dots for quantum information technologies
Michler Peter 1963-
洋 428.41:S76
Semiconductor lasers : stability, instability and chaos
大坪 順次
洋 428.42:O3e
One-dimensional metals : conjugated polymers, organic crystals, carbon nanotubes and graphene
Roth S.
洋 428.47:I17
Introduction to elasticity theory for crystal defects
Balluffi R. W.
洋 428.6:P13
Polymer science dictionary
Alger Mark S. M.
洋 428.6:P14
Properties and applications of polymer nanocomposites : clay and carbon based polymer nanocomposites
Tripathy Deba Kumar
洋 428.7:E17
Electro-catalysis at chemically modified solid surfaces
Simonet Jacques
洋 428.9:V4
Vortices and nanostructured superconductors
Crisan Adrian
洋 429:U1
Ultra-cold atoms
Gardiner C. W.
洋 430:T1
Tools for green chemistry
Beach Evan S.
洋 431:P6e2
Atkins' physical chemistry
Atkins P. W.
洋 431:S8
Solutions manual to accompany Elements of physical chemistry
Smith David
洋 431.2:O5
Oxidation of C-H bonds
Lu Wenjun 1966-
洋 431.3:A8
Asymmetric Br?nsted acid catalysis
Rueping Magnus
洋 431.3:M10
Microwaves in catalysis : methodology and applications
Horikoshi Satoshi
洋 431.3:S12
Sorption-enhanced reaction processes
Rodrigues Al?rio E.
洋 431.5:E3:1
Encyclopedia of plasma technology
Shohet J. Leon
洋 431.5:E3:2
Encyclopedia of plasma technology
Shohet J. Leon
洋 431.7:E13
Electrochemical engineering across scales : from molecules to processes
Alkire R. C. 1941-
洋 433.6:P6
Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry : principles and applications
Ellis Andrew M.
洋 435.1:G15
Graphene and related nanomaterials : properties and applications
Bondavalli Paolo
洋 435.2:G1
Gold nanoparticles for physics, chemistry and biology
Louis Catherine Dr.
洋 501.4:C8
Carbon nanotube-reinforced polymers : from nanoscale to macroscale
Rafiee Roham
洋 501.4:H8:1
Handbook of mechanical nanostructuring
Aliofkhazraei Mahmood
洋 501.4:H8:2
Handbook of mechanical nanostructuring
Aliofkhazraei Mahmood
洋 501.4:H9
Hybrid nanomaterials : advances in energy, environment and polymer nanocomposites
Srivastava Suneel Kumar 1954-
洋 503:S2e1
Springer handbook of nanotechnology
Bhushan Bharat 1949-
洋 543:P3:1
Perovskite solar cells : principle, materials, devices
Diau Eric Wei-Guang
洋 549.5:S15
Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis
Goldstein Joseph 1939-
洋 549:M26
Molecular electronics : an introduction to theory and experiment
Cuevas Juan Carlos
洋 549:N12
Nanometer CMOS ICs : from basics to ASICs
Veendrick H. J. M.
洋 571:O1
Organic-inorganic composite membranes for molecular separation
Jin Wanqin
洋 578:P4
Plastics technology handbook
Chanda Manas 1940-