平成26年度 第2回選書会購入リスト

平成26年度 第2回選書会購入リスト(和洋・請求番号順)
洋 421.5:Q2e
Quantum theory of many-body systems : techiques and applications
Zagoskin Alexandre
洋 421.9:P22
Phase transitions in materials
Fultz B.
洋 428.41:P38
Physics of wurtzite nitrides and oxides : passport to devices
Gil Bernard
洋 428.44:C2
Characterisation of ferroelectric bulk materials and thin films
Cain Markys G.
洋 428.47:M15
Materials under extreme conditions : molecular crystals at high pressure
Bini Roberto
洋 428.9:F7e
Flux pinning in superconductors
松下 照男
洋 428.9:S38e
Poole Charles P.
洋 428:C15
Crystal symmetry, lattice vibrations, and optical spectroscopy of solids : a group theoretical approach
Di Bartolo Baldassare
洋 431.2:C11:1
Fundamental aspects of chemical bonding
Frenking G.
洋 431.2:C11:2
Chemical bonding across the periodic table
Frenking G.
洋 435.1:C21
Carbon nanotubes and graphene
田中 一義
洋 435:C6:1
Main-group elements, including noble gases
Chivers T.
洋 435:C6:2
Transition elements, lanthanides and actinides
Antipov E. V.
洋 435:C6:3
Bioinorganic fundamentals and applications : metals in natural living systems and metals in toxicology and medicine
Pecoraro Vincent L.
洋 435:C6:4
Solid-state materials, including ceramics and minerals
O'Brien Paul
洋 435:C6:5
Porous materials and nanomaterials
北川 進
洋 435:C6:6
Homogeneous catalytic applications
Casella L.
洋 435:C6:7
Surface inorganic chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis
Schl?gl Robert
洋 435:C6:8
Coordination and organometallic chemistry
Yam Vivian W. W.
洋 435:C6:9
Theory and methods
Alvarez Santiago
洋 437:A2:47
Advances in physical organic chemistry
Gold Victor 1928-
洋 501.4:I2
In-situ materials characterization : across spatial and temporal scales
Ziegler Alexander Prof. Dr
洋 501.4:P1
Porous materials for carbon dioxide capture
Lu An-Hui
洋 549:P8:11
Progress in ultrafast intense laser science
山内 薫
和 418.6:K2:4
計算科学のための並列計算 : 大規模計算への第一歩
石井 克哉
和 428.53:M5:3
反強磁性体 : 応用への展開
深道 和明
和 533:K2
和 541:D7
一ノ瀬 昇