平成26年度 第1回選書会購入リスト

平成26年度 第1回選書会購入リスト(和洋・請求番号順)
洋 414.9:D5
Differential geometry for physicists and mathematicians : moving frames and differential forms : from Euclid past Riemann
Vargas Jos? G.
洋 418.1:I1
An introduction to numerical methods and analysis
Epperson James F.
洋 419:F5
Fluctuations of L?vy processes with applications : introductory lectures
Kyprianou Andreas E.
洋 420.1:P3
Physics Olympiad : basic to advanced exercises
Committee of Japan Physics Olympiad
洋 421.3:D22
Dynamics of complex quantum systems
Akulin V. M.
洋 421.3:I19
An introduction to macroscopic quantum phenomena and quantum dissipation
Caldeira Amir O.
洋 421.3:L18
Lecture notes on field theory in condensed matter physics
Mudry Christopher
洋 421.3:L18d
Lecture notes on field theory in condensed matter physics
Mudry Christopher
洋 421.3:P32
Path integrals and Hamiltonians : principles and methods
Baaquie B. E
洋 421.3:Q111
Quantum tunneling and field electron emission theories
Liang Shi-Dong
洋 421.3:Q112
Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur
Lancaster Tom
洋 421.4:F11
Fractional calculus : an introduction for physicists
Herrmann Richard
洋 421.6:N16
Nonlinear elastic waves in materials
Rushchitsky Jeremiah J.
洋 423.7:N2
Nonlinear theory of electroelastic and magnetoelastic interactions
Dorfmann Luis
洋 425.5:L1e2:1
Basic principles
Demtr?der Wolfgang
洋 426.5:N3
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics : transport and rate processes in physical, chemical and biological systems
Demirel Ya?ar
洋 427.4:N2
Nanoscale thermoelectrics
Wang Xiaodong
洋 427.7:E2
Electric-field control of magnetization and electronic transport in ferromagnetic/ferroelectric heterostructures
Zhang Sen
洋 428.1:M33
Molecular magnets : physics and applications
Bartolom? Juan
洋 428.1:P9
Kleinpoppen H.
洋 428.41:Q13
Quantum transport calculations for nanosystems
Hirose Kenji
洋 428.44:F10
Ferroelectricity at the nanoscale : basics and applications
Fridkin Vladimir
洋 428.47:B22
Basic concepts of X-ray diffraction
Zolotoyabko Emil
洋 428.47:C22
Crystalline state photoreactions : direct observation of reaction processes and metastable intermediates
大橋 裕二
洋 428.47:H11
High resolution X-ray diffractometry and topography
Bowen D. Keith
洋 428.7:P19
Physics and chemistry of interfaces
Butt Hans-J?rgen
洋 428:E8
Extreme physics : properties and behavior of matter at extreme conditions
Colvin Jeff 1945-
洋 428:G3
Physics of Graphene
青木 秀夫
洋 431.1:T2
Theoretical and computational aspects of magnetic organic molecules
Datta Sambhu N
洋 431.2:A6
Applications of group theory to atoms, molecules, and solids
Wolfram Thomas 1936-
洋 431.2:D11
Density functional theory in quantum chemistry
常田 貴夫
洋 431.2:R7
Relaxation of the chemical bond : skin chemisorption size matter ZTP mechanics H2O myths
Sun Chang Q.
洋 431.3:A4
Activation of carbon dioxide
Suib Steven L. 1953-
洋 431.3:B9
Batteries, hydrogen storage and fuel cells
Suib Steven L. 1953-
洋 431.3:C10
Catalysis for remediation and environmental concerns
Suib Steven L. 1953-
洋 431.3:R5
Reactive intermediates in organic chemistry : structure, mechanism, and reactions
Singh Maya Shankar 1960-
洋 431.9:T1
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of macromolecular systems
Bachmann Michael 1973-
洋 431:P6e1
Atkins' physical chemistry
Atkins P. W.
洋 434.9:O1
The organometallic chemistry of the transition metals
Crabtree Robert H. 1948-
洋 434.9:O2
Organic synthesis and molecular engineering
Nielsen Mogens Br?ndsted
洋 435.1:H4
Hydrogen generation, storage, and utilization
Zhang Jin Z.
洋 435:I6
Inorganic chemistry
Weller Mark T.
洋 437:O9
Organic chemistry : a mechanistic approach
奥山 格
洋 501.4:E4
Endohedral fullerenes : from fundamentals to applications
Yang Shangfeng
洋 501.4:H4:5
Graphene - Fundamental Properties
D'Souza Francis
洋 501.4:H4:6
Graphene - Energy and Sensor Applications
D'Souza Francis
洋 501.4:T2
Introduction to graphene-based nanomaterials : from electronic structure to quantum transport
Fo? Torres Luis E. F.
洋 543:H1
Handbook of the physics of thin-film solar cells
B?er K. W.
洋 543:O1e
Organic photovoltaics : materials, device physics, and manufacturing technologies
Brabec Christoph J.
和 410.4:T2
定理が生まれる : 天才数学者の思索と生活
Villani C?dric
和 412.3:R3
渡辺 澄夫
和 419:W1
飛田 武幸
和 428.7:T1e
和 429.6:S21
素粒子で地球を視る : 高エネルギー地球科学入門
田中 宏幸
和 431.8:C1
コロイド科学 : 基礎と応用
Cosgrove T.
和 437:Y20:1
Hartwig John F.
和 501.4:C3
超精密加工と表面科学 : 原子レベルの生産技術
和 532:K2
大西 久治
和 533:S7
和 574:K5
化学物質と正しく付き合う方法 : 不安を安心に変えるための基礎知識
北野 大