C2-2 (NSM)
Neutron Spectral Modulation Spectrometer

Instrumental Overview
   We have installed the NSM  spectrometer at the C2-2 beam port of the JRR-3M guide hall,
and have tested its performance.   The NSM method encodes the scattering function from the
sample in the spread of the incident neutron spectrum, which is modulated in intensity and
in time by neutron polarization. The scattering functioncan then be retrieved by  means of
the maximum entropy pattern analysis  from the time-of-flight data.  The NSM combined with
the small-angle scattering is considered as a powerful method for studies of small q,small
w excitations such as macromolecular dynamics.  The measured time-of-flight data are shown
in Fig.1,  that is  a 3D representation of the nsm-modulated spectrum as functions of time
channel, detector number and intensity by way of AVS software interface on the X-window of
the Titan computer display.
     The performance tests indicated, however, that both intensity and polarization of the
incident neutrons were not what was expected from the design specifications, and the cause
of the poor performance results were searched for. After thorough investigation,at the re-
adjustment process of the supermirror polarizers, which was learned directly from Dr.Schrf
at ILL, we found that about half of supermirror glass blades of each polarizer were broken
as shown in the picture in Fig.2. In view of the difficulty to replace the broken glasses,
we realigned each polarizer with the remaining blades,that we believe is the best we could
do at the existing conditions.The performance test will be continued with the newly align-
ed polarizers ( although with less supermirror glass blades) in the coming year.

Contact person : Yuji ITO
	Fuculty of Education,
	Yamanashi University

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